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Texte à méditer :   Si tous les gars du monde voulaient se donner la main...   

Livre d'or

Note n°22
par SM6AAL le 07/09/2008 ¤ 18:29

Hello operator of ON4WAR!

I could hardly read your very weak CW-signals today on 7025 KHz, lots of QRM from other stations, some contest going on also, time was 10.20 UTC+2, and QSO with G4GLV. But despite of Paraset 4 watts and wire-antennas, i was glad to hear you anyway. I have look on your website, many nice photos from fielddays u have. I have also build an Paraset-replica, you can check the picture on Paraset club in England.

This winter i will build another Paraset, but with more modern tubes 7-pins miniatures tubes.
73 from SM6AAL/Bertil,  Paraset-owner in Sweden